Dashboard Data Types
[1] asciiGraph
Runs a single Prometheus metric, and visualize the result on a live graph, where each metric result item represents a line on the graph
Using “customKey
”, allows you to control items names that show up colored right below the graph
- name: Kafka Data In per second. box: right_a enable: true type: asciiGraph metricUnit: kb asciiGraphMetric: > sort_desc(sum(irate(kafka_server_brokertopicmetrics_bytesin_total{topic=~"$topic"}[5m])) by (strimzi_io_cluster, topic)) / 1024 customKey: "🍅 " asciiGraphOptions: height: 0 width: 80 maxHeight: 17 maxWidth: 45 updateIntervalSeconds: 2
does NOT support “autoConvertValue
” option
” will added as it is beside the original metric value, Hence make sure that the metric returns the data in required unit to be visualized. ex: kb, mb, gb .. etc.
[2] progressBarList
Runs two Prometheus metrics “total value metric” & “usage value metric”, Map them to get the usage percentage of each result items, and print a list of ProgressBars that show the usage & usage percentage of each result item
Using “customKey
”, allows you to control items names “Progress Bars Names”
- name: Kafka pods memory usage (Sorted by higher memory usage) enable: true box: left_a type: progressBarList metricUnit: mb progressBarListMetrics: totalValueMetric: | # Memory limits sum(container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone) usageValueMetric: | # memory usage sorted by higher usage sort_desc(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone)) customKey: "" progressBarListOptions: maxItemsCount: 10 lineBreak: true showBarPercentage: true barWidth: 25 updateIntervalSeconds: 5
[3] simpleTable
Runs a single Prometheus metric, and forms a table with all the result items as rows & all the sumed labels as columns
- name: Kafka Pods memory usage (simpleTable example) enable: true box: left_b type: simpleTable metricUnit: byte simpleTableMetric: | sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, namespace, karpenter_sh_capacity_type, topology_kubernetes_io_zone,node_kubernetes_io_instance_type) customKey: "" simpleTableOptions: tableType: plain showValue: true headersUppercase: true autoConvertValue: true showTableIndex: true updateIntervalSeconds: 5
Table columns order is NOT garanteed with “simpleTable” Type
[4] advancedTable
Runs a List of Prometheus metric, where each metric represents a Table column values
Using “customKey
”, allows you to control the values names of the “NAME” column
- name: Kafka pods details (advancedTable example) enable: true box: left_c type: advancedTable advancedTableColumns: - memory usage: metric: | sort_desc(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone)) metricUnit: byte autoConvertValue: true - memory usage %: metric: | sort_desc( ( sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone) / sum(container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone) ) * 100 ) metricUnit: percentage autoConvertValue: true - memory limit: metric: | sort_desc(sum(container_spec_memory_limit_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone)) metricUnit: byte autoConvertValue: true - memory cache: metric: | sort_desc(sum(container_memory_cache{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone)) metricUnit: byte autoConvertValue: true - memory swap: metric: | sum(container_memory_swap{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone) metricUnit: byte autoConvertValue: true - file descriptors: metric: | sort_desc(sum(container_file_descriptors{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone)) metricUnit: None - up time: metric: | sum(time() - kube_pod_start_time{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod) metricUnit: seconds autoConvertValue: true - AWS AZ: metric: | sort_desc(sum(container_memory_usage_bytes{namespace=~"$namespace", pod=~"$pod"}) by (pod, topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone)) metricUnit: byte valueFromLabel: topology_ebs_csi_aws_com_zone customKey: "" advancedTableOptions: tableType: grid headersUppercase: true showTableIndex: true updateIntervalSeconds: 3
The advancedTableColumns columns order define the Table columns order